Monday, February 4, 2013

Dear God

Dear God,

I don't write as often as I should, but I'm hoping to change that. It seems that I only call on you when I need something and I often forget all the blessings in my life. It's hard to focus on the positive when you're in pain all the time and/or worried about bills, family members, the country, the world...or basicly everything. I know we're supposed to turn our worries and problems over to you, but I can't help but keep them on a string and pull them back over and over.

I think I need to start listing my blessings each day so I can focus on the positive in my life:

1-I have a warm & safe home and plenty to eat.
2-I have family & friends that support me and pray for me all the time
3-I have use of all my limbs and senses-so I can read
4-I have wonderful pets
5-My relationship with my mother is better than ever
6-Even though I can't work, I have an income so that I can contribute to my upkeep
7-My medical is paid for, so I don't have to worry about how I can visit the doctor or afford my prescriptions
8-I have my faith

Thank You, God, for all the good things in my life and for the sense to recognise them. I'll do my best to do better to concentrate on them instead of the things I wish were different.



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